I was facing the Situation of the poorest of the poor people in Bangladesh, which is hardly influenced by water, during my two month stay as an Intern at the Design and Technology Center (Programm by GTZ  Germany) in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2005. So two years later, at the end of my studies I decided to find somekind of appropriate solution to support people in rural context which helps to make their daily life easier.
Responsible for four million deaths a year, polluted drinking water is still the world`s number-one cause of disease. Throughout the world diarrhoea kills 200 children every hour. It shows clearly that there is still a great need for alternative solutions for the purification of drinkingwater. I figured out more and more that the most important thing would be, to design a product which really comes out of the peoples context for their real needs and that it is just impossible to produce anykind of artifical product, coming out of the western world.
After a periode of searching for somekind of natural process for water purification, I compared different possibilities with each other and finally found the Seed ofthe Moringa Oleifera Tree, which was perfect for my idea of the product.Throughout my reseach work I got in contact with experts of different fields around the globe who supported me a lot with their knowledge. What I had to do as next step was to find a physical principle, which agitates (rotates) the water-seed mixture in a proper way. A perfect way to do so is the siphon principle, because it also offers the possibility to produce the vessels out of clay on a simple wheel rotated by hands and feet so the product could becompletely produced locally. SustainableWater offers a good chance of independent transfer and thus widespread distribution and could be a starting point for microeconomical activities. Parts from the Tree itself as well as the self produced Vessels might be sold on local markets independently.
2001 – 2007                     studying at the Academy of Art and Design in 
                                       Offenbach am Main. Graduated with diploma 
                                       in february 2007. (passed with distinction)
since oct. 2007                  working as a Industrial Designer at Katana Design
aug. - oct.2007                  Project work at the "Institut für                                         technologieorientierte Designinnovation" 
                                        (Institute for technology orientated                                         designinnovation)
                                        in cooperation with FESTO  
feb. – apr. 2005                 two month internship in DTC (Design and                                         Technologiy Center / program by GTZ-Germany)                                         Dhaka, Bangladesh.
apr. – jun. 2004                 working as a freelancer at Büro 48 Frankfurt                                         am Main
Publication and Lecture
Jun. 2010                          Exhibition “Reflecting Water – Design &                                         Sustainablity”,
                                        Museum of applied arts (Frankfurt am Main)
                                        „Sustainable Water“
Okt. 2009                          Lecture at „Werktage“, Halle,
                                        conference about art and designeducation
Jul. 2008                           Lecture at the 2. International
                                        Reflecting Waters Symposium,
                                        Offenbach am Main
Mai. 2008                          Metropolis, Architecture < Culture> Design,
                                        USA, May Issue 2008
                                        result of the design competition                                          „Sustainable Water“
Dez. 2007                          book publication,
                                        Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg Förderpreis,
                                        „SustainableWater“, Niggli Verlag,
                                        128 pages paperback (English, German)
Nov. 2007                          Designreport, Issue 9/2007
                                        „Wenn Design helfen will“
Jul. 2007                            Lecture at Academy of Art and Design in 
                                         Offenbach am Main.
                                         ReflectingWaters - "thinking about water as part                                           of creation"
                                        „Water in Bangladesch - deficiancy in opulence“
Apr. 2005                           Lecture at Goethe Institute (Dhaka, Bangladesch)
                                        „insight in Design theory“


Ein zwei monatiger Aufenthalt in Bangladesch, lies mich in das Leben der Ärmsten der Armen in den Slums und den ländlichen gebieten Bangladeschs blicken. Das Leben in diesem außergewöhnlichen Land wird in vielerlei Hinsicht vom Wasser bestimmt und nur mit den einfachsten und billigsten Mitteln kann hier geholfen werden. Mir wurde schnell klar, das nur Lösungen funktionieren können, welche durch die eigene Kraft, in dem Kontext der Menschen vor hergestellt werden. Viele Lösungen zur Trinkwasseraufbereitung sind entweder zu teuer, technisch aufwendig oder sorgen für weitere Abhängigkeiten von äußeren Strukturen
Sustainable Water beschreitet ganz bewusst Wege fern ab von industrieller Fertigungen und daraus resultierenden Abhängigkeiten und nutzt an Stelle dessen Materialien und Fertigungstechniken von vor Ort, da nur so eine wirklich autarke und zur Weitergabe bestimmte Lösung geschaffen werden kann. Das Potential ist vorhanden, man muss es nur aktivieren.

 2001 - 2007                      Studium an der Hochschule für Gestaltung in                                          Offenbach am Main.
                                         Diplomabschluss mit Auszeichnung (Note 1,0).
seit Okt. 2007                      Produktdesigner bei Katana Design.
Aug. - Okt. 2007                  Projektarbeit am Institut für                                           technologieorientierte                  

                                          Designinnovation, Kooperationsprojekt mit                                           der Firma FESTO.
Feb. – Apr. 2005                  Zwei monatiges Praktikum im Design                                             and Technology Center 
                                          Dhaka (Projekt der GTZ-Deutschland)                                           Dhaka, Bangladesch. 
Apr. – Jun. 2004                   Als freier Mitarbeiter beim Büro 48 In Frankfurt                                            am Main engagiert.
2001 – 2004                         Während meines Studiums arbeitete                                                  ich begleitend bei Katana-Design

Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge
Jun. 2010                            Ausstellung “Reflecting Water – Design &                                           Nachhaltigkeit”,
                                          Museums für Angewandte Kunst                                           (Frankfurt am Main)
                                          Beitrag „Sustainable Water“

Okt. 2009                            Vortrag „Werktage“, Halle,
                                          Konferenz zur Kunst und Designausbildung

Jul. 2008                              Vortrag beim 2. Internationalen
                                          ReflectingWaters Symposium,
                                          Offenbach am Main

Mai. 2008                             Metropolis, Architecture < Culture> Design,
                                          USA, MayIssue 2008
                                          Wettbewerbsbeitrag „Sustainable Water“

Dez. 2007                            Buchveröffentlichung,
                                          Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg Förderpreis,
                                          „SustainableWater“, erschienen im Niggli Verlag,
                                          128 Seiten broschiert (Englisch, Deutsch)

Nov. 2007                            Designreport, Heft 9/2007
                                          „Wenn Design helfen will“

Jul. 2007                              Vortrag an derHochschule für Gestaltung
                                          Offenbacham Main,
                                          Reflecting Waters - über Wasser als                                           Thema der Gestaltung nachdenken.
                                          „Wasser in Bangladesch - Mangel im Überfluß“

Apr. 2005                             Vortrag am Goethe Institut                                            (Dhaka, Bangladesch)
                                          „insight in Design theory“